

Maggie and I moved to this site in 2021. We had lived in Florida since 1997, where we both worked full time jobs and lived in a moderate home in the city.

When it came time for Maggie to join me in retirement we decided that moving to be closer to family would be our best option. The five hour drive just to reach the Florida border was no longer a fun trip.

Our real estate search lead us to our current property in Murphy North Carolina. We have gone from a very small city lot to a 2 1/2 acre piece of mountain property. 

Since moving to the mountains we have aded several gardens, a greenhouse began farming composting worms and now raising chickens for eggs and later on for meat.

When Maggie was growing up on a farm in Elmvale,Ontario Canada her family named that farm CANAAN. I grew up in a city named Barrie, Ontario and my parents would vacation in Florida at a place called CASA del Sol, I don’t believe it is even there any more.

So when we purchased is small acreage we decided to combine the two significant things from our past. CASA CANAAN!